Dear Piano
Have you ever gone
searching for a new piano lick or interesting riff you could add to a
specific song you were learning, or to just spice up your playing in
“It Seems Like There Are Just
Floating Around Out There!”
I don't know if you feel
this way, but I just get overwhelmed sometimes looking for just a few
new piano ideas.
Don't get me wrong...
there are some great ideas and lessons out there, but there's SO MUCH
JUNK, too, and I really hate sifting through it all just to get to the
good stuff.
That's exactly what I
did... so you won't have to.
See, I went searching for
a few new licks myself, and I just wanted to brush up on some riffs
I've heard my fellow piano players using.
That's because I'm more
of a "jazz" player, I guess you might say...
What I mean is... I tend
to make up stuff as I play, based on the chords and key I'm playing in.
I'm not big on keeping a
"toolbox of piano riffs"... but a LOT of the guys I play with DO have
their own standard set of licks they use all the time.
Do you ever find yourself
digging through stacks of piano books or searching the internet
endlessly looking for just a few simple tips to help you play one of
your favorite songs?
In fact, that's just what
I was doing myself - I thought, "I'll just search the 'net for some new
piano licks for my arsenal - shouldn't take long, right?"
It was taking FOREVER to
find a few "golden nuggets"!
MY "Dirty Work" Save You
Make You A Better Piano Player!
That's when I realized
that if I did dig through a bunch of free lessons, videos, and
traditional printed piano books, and then condensed it down to a
workable set of really good licks, a lot of other people might find
that useful, too.
So, I searched YouTube and Google, dug through a bunch of my old piano
sheet music books, and even ordered a stack of new books.
Then I started going through everything.
Man, what a bunch of junk I found!
I went through books with titles like, "100 Blues Licks," or something
like that, and maybe 3 or 4 of them were even remotely useable!
Most of them were just random 4- or 8-measure mini-compositions that
you would probably never use in a song, let alone
for any length of time!
The trouble is, if I just
put this collection out into the "piano universe" along with everything
else, nobody would find it...
Just like I couldn't find
anything useful out of all the piano lessons floating around the
So, I decided to make my
own detailed, mini-lesson videos of the 40 licks I found, package them
up on 2 DVD's, create sheet music for each riff, and offer the whole
package as one of my personal, premium piano lesson products.

Giving You My New Personal Piano Toolbox
Honestly, this took me a
lot longer to do than I thought it would.
Finding the "right" riffs that I liked, recording a "mini-lesson" for
each one, synchronizing and producing all the live keyboard video with
the "highlighted keys" MIDI keyboard, creating the sheet music for each
lick, burning the DVDs, transferring all the data to my production
facility, etc., etc.
But the work was well worth it.
And I'm very happy with it.
What I've put together is a set of 40 blues, rock and roll, and country
piano riffs, licks and runs that you can start using as soon as you pop
the DVD into your computer or DVD player or start watching the videos
in the online access area.
There's Not A Lot Of Fluff In
This Course
In fact, I kind of
hesitate to call it a "course," since it's simply a very powerful set
of mini piano lessons that get right to the point.
But they aren't just
The lessons include a
couple of very special scales that will help your improvisation in
general, and I show you exactly how those scales are used in these
riffs and any song you like.
If You’re A Sheet Music Junky,
I Did
Include Sheet Music!
If you just like to watch
and learn, simply watch the videos.
If you'd rather read
sheet music, simply print out the included music and away you go!
Or maybe you'll use both.
But… as I've said
before... PLEASE don’t become dependent on the sheet music alone.
My goal for this course
is for you to get these riffs into your head and fingers and NOT rely
on the music – that way, you can just sit down and play these licks
whenever you like.

Here’s The Bottom Line…
So, here’s everything you
get in this powerful 2-DVD set I call:
Piano Riffs
Nearly 2 3/4 hours of
"over-the-shoulder" piano videos (with views of my hands AND a
real-time, light-up keyboard directly above that) that show you exactly
how to play 40 different piano riffs you can use in Rock and Roll,
Blues, and Country piano music |
Piano sheet music for each riff, if you’re
a "sheet music" kind of person ;-) You'll find the sheet music in PDFs
in the online download area, along with some other free goodies, too!
A complete set of "music-less" chord
reference charts, so you’ll never get stuck on a chord. |
A piano keyboard note reference chart, in
case you’re a little rusty reading a melody line. |
A musical "key" reference chart, showing
you sharps and flats for every key, and what that "key signature" looks
like – this will help you apply any style you like to any song, in any
key, using the methods I teach you in the videos. |

Don’t Just Believe What I Say…
Check Out What Others Have Said…
Here’s what just a few of
my students have said about my “Professional Piano Chords for Everyday
Pianists” course:
Read What One Frustrated, "Traditional"
Has To Say After Using My Original, "Professional Piano Chords" Guide:
Finding you on the internet was the greatest piano blessing that I have
discovered. Purchasing your product is the BEST MUSICAL INVESTMENT that
I have spent my money on in the last 3 years. And believe me... Over
the past 3 years I have invested literally thousands of dollars in
CD's, Tapes, Books, Music Lessons.
Your program has simplified, what I have exhausted myself searching
for. I am a disabled veteran, so I have much time to practice, study
and research. I literally spend 4 to 5 hours a day practicing on my
Yamaha Piano. For the past 2 years, I have spend $100 each month for
music lessons from a very talented music director. Although he is an
excellent instructor, (I could say musical genius) he sometimes teaches
over my head. (And I consider myself to be intelligent). I have figured
out in 3 hours of disecting your section on 13th Chords, what has
bewildered me with his methodolgy of instruction. Dont get me wrong ..
I have learned a great deal from him, but your program has regenerated
my enthusiasm and has uplifted my spirits and given me great
I finally genuinly feel that there is light at the end of my tunnel. It
all makes sense now. You have filled in the gaps, and I am able to do
this at my pace.
I thank you again, and would highly recommend your product to anyone
that is serious about learning to play music on a keyboard or piano.
Tony Willis
US Army Veteran
San Antonio, TX
And Another Student Who Can Finally Play
What He Only Just Heard Before:
Dear Bill:
Your guide to professional-sounding chords is nothing short of
brilliant! I have been in bands semi-professionally for years as a
singer-guitarist, and now in later years I have enjoyed playing piano
around home as a hobby. Your informative guide is a terrific teaching
tool, but perhaps your follow-up e-mails are even more "key", since
they serve as further incentive for someone to pitch in and get this
stuff learned.
Your information, together with your follow-up program is the best I
have seen in terms of communicating how music works, especially to
those who are intimidated by notes, staffs, clefs, rests, etc. In my
case, I have always been able to "hear" the chords I wanted - now that
I have your book, I am able to play most of them as well.
Thanks, Bill, for sharing this absolutely terrific knowledge.
Richard Narrell
So What’s The Price Already?!
If I added up all the
time money I’ve spent on lessons, books, and DVDs in creating this
Piano Riffs Fast Course, it would easily be up in the 1000’s of dollars.
And, really, what would
be the point of me charging that amount of money for all this, when the
whole point is to save you a TON of time and cut through all the piano instruction floating around out there?!
So... I decided to make this simple – but powerful – video piano
"course" (set of mini-lessons) accessible for as many people as
possible by knocking the price down to just
(plus shipping for DVDs)
But ONLY until Saturday,
August 3rd, 2024 at Midnight!

If You Thought This Would Be
You Were Right!
As with all of my
courses, this one carries my 8-week, 100% full money-back guarantee: